Exciting Start

For my first trip I ate 15mg of selerotia “freshbox space shuttle” magic truffles. It took me around 30 minutes to eat, and the earliest symptom I felt was light nausea and a heavy head. This must have taken another 30 minutes. The trip likely quickly set in after, though the memories are blurry here.

Overwhelming Peak

In any case, the symptoms definitely intensified. My extremities felt warm and fuzzy, anything soft was incredible, I thought my hands looked mirrored, and mentally I felt like I am in a completely different world. I lost my sense of self, and felt like “climbing” out of a large black void to be “on top of things” again and collect my thoughts. This is where I also thought deeply about where I am in life and what I have, concluding that I have everything I could ask for, and slowly felt okay with being a person in a body again. As I attempted to communicate my inability to be “above” the trip, I found it to be very difficult to even form a coherent thought or sentence.

Combating Unwellness

Being reassured my trip sitter understands how I feel, I thought about my imminent desires and how to fulfill them (Thirst, get rid of nausea, urge to pee, need for a handkerchief, slight hunger), which was very overwhelming for me, and during which I was tearing up a lot from laughing, but also for seemingly no reason at other times. Here it was also difficult to judge what mood I am in; It was a mix of euphoria, confusion, lethargy, and sickness. I also felt weird about my glasses, and thought initially that my hallucinations were just from having tears on them. Anyway, in my head, I had to fulfill at least some of these desires first, and then I would be able to enjoy my trip after.

I especially wanted kitchen paper to wipe away my tears, so I went downstairs to get some. Turning on the lights did not come to mind, so it was pretty much total darkness and silence. I left the room in a euphoric mood, which quickly turned into major apprehensiveness. Even though I was already in the kitchen, I quickly went back upstairs because I realized the setting change was rapidly changing my mood for the worse. Once I was back in the room with lights, music, the bed, and my trip sitter, I felt content again immediately. How every emotion and sensation is strongly intensified during the trip became very clear to me here. Walking is also difficult. I dangle from step to step and need to hold onto objects to keep my balance.

Intriguing Hallucinations

Now i continued watching hallucinations, which were usually pleasant to watch. The entire room was pulsating like the walls were breathing. Focusing on a specific point can cause it to spiral or change shape in other ways. A face I recognized in a shadow felt like an uncle grinning at me, happily watching as I experience my first trip. The mouth was moving, and he turned to look at me.

The shadow I saw and the blanket

At another point, the stars of the blanket were taking up the entire room, with my own blanket suddenly being full of them. The spiral pattern on the inside was also developing, and it happened in such a way, that I could look away and continue where I was before when looking back it again. This made my hallucinations very controllable, with almost none becoming uncomfortable. Amongst other things, i enjoyed watching a poster on the door and a clock that does not work. Boredom was the emotion furthest from me during the entire trip. I also hallucinate things with my eyes closed, though this felt usually less interesting to me.


When I went into the bathroom, looking into the mirror was a silly and joyful experience. I struck up various poses and heavily enjoyed my own appeareance. My hair also felt incredibly soft. When focusing on the hallucinations my face made, there was one stretchy type of hallucination that made me uncomfortable, so I refocused my attention elsewhere and it was fine again.

The Easy Part

At this point, I must have eaten the truffles at least 2 hours ago. I was very surprised to see the apple I took a bite out of was already changing color from laying around for so long. My nausea was getting better, and I managed to drink more. Slowly but surely I felt good physically, and I managed to turn my overwhelmed state of not knowing how to fulfill what desire into a joyful state where I did not feel like I lacked anything at all. This is what i would call the distinctly pleasurable part of the trip. Getting here was confusing and exhausting for me but totally worth it. From here on I laughed an extreme amount from funny videos, but also over jokes that would give me a slight giggle under normal circumstances. The hallucinations were not gone either, and I happily continued focusing my attention on specific points.


I do not entirely remember how I spent all my hours, especially due to my sense of time being distorted, and me intentionally avoiding clocks. 11 hours ago after eating the truffles I felt optimistic and cathartic. The latter possibly simply because I am done crying. Despite having far less control than I anticipated, it was a fascinating and mostly pleasurable experience. Before my next trip, I will come up with things I want to feel or think about. For example, I never tried to read sentences early into the trip, and barely explored my own physical sensations.